process management maturity
BPM maturity is a measure to evaluate how professionally an organization manages its business processes.
Previous research provides evidence that higher BPM maturity leads to better performance of processes and of the organization as a whole.
It also claims that different organizations should strive for different levels of maturity, depending on their properties.
This paper presents an empirical investigation of these claims, based on a sample of 120 organizations and looking at a selection of organizational properties.
Our results reveal that higher BPM maturity contributes to better performance, but only up to a point.
Interestingly, it contradicts the popular belief that higher innovativeness is associated with lower BPM maturity, rather showing that higher innovativeness is associated with higher BPM maturity. In addition, the paper shows that companies in different regions have a different level of BPM maturity.
These findings can be used as a benchmark and a motivation for organizations to increase their BPM maturity.
Through an empirical study this paper answered two research questions: how BPM maturity affects overall business performance; and which properties of an organization determine what the best level of BPM maturity for an organization is,
in particular focusing on size, age, region and innovativeness of the organization. These research questions were answered through an survey that was conducted among 120 organizations in Germany and The Netherlands.
This may lead to a participation bias in the results.
We attribute the relatively low response rate to the fact that we used an on-line survey, which typically has a lower response rate than a survey via phone or physical mail.
This may have caused the survey to get lost in some organizations.
The study focuses on innovativeness, region, size and age as properties that determine the level of maturity that an organization should be on to achieve optimal performance.
However, the maturity and performance of an organization are not exclusively determined by these properties.
It was also not the aim of this study to exhaustively investigate the properties that influence maturity and performance.
Rather, the study focused on commonly used properties (age, size and region) and controversial properties (innovativeness).
Other properties can be studied in future work.
برای مشاهده مطالب بیشتر به سایت farzdon مراجعه نمایید.
process management maturity