Brand reputation on the consumer
Brand reputation on the consumer
A review of the marketing and tourism literatures revealed that brand reputation is a powerful tool that affects not only the image of the product or destination, but also purchase/visit decisions.
The cost of failure in building a product image is high, but not as fatal as in the case of a destination.
Moreover, destination branding is considered as a tool of competitive advantage, on the principles of value-added effect and equity criteria.
Destination is an amalgam of geographic, economic, demographic, climatic, technological, environmental, political, and demographic factors which influence the competitive advantage, if built effectively.
When it comes to tourism destinations and consumer behavior, new dimensions and factors, which might be important for consumers allowing them to express their individual preferences and life style, tend to become more evident in consumer behavior patterns.
It opens new avenues to creativity, innovation and the application of component based measurement with the application of mental processes, and indirect measures of brand equity, which could be done by applying of brand principles and improvement of brand reputation of places (cities, countries, and tourism destinations).
New sources of value and equity rooted in non-material components (creativity, innovation, image, and reputation) also called “soft values of success” raise more attention and require further research and managerial practices in order to influence consumer behavior and achieve a better competitiveness.
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Brand reputation on the consumer